Many women with naturally small breasts desire a fuller, more voluptuous chest. Pregnancy, weight loss, and aging can also make a woman’s once full breasts appear flat and deflated. Breast augmentation uses implants to restore lost breast volume and enhance breast shape for a fuller, more attractive appearance.

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast Augmentation surgery is one of the most popular procedures in the UK. Many women decide to undergo Breast Augmentation surgery to increase the volume of their breasts due to their naturally small size or following extreme weight loss, pregnancy or breastfeeding.

The procedure involves placing silicone implants under the breast tissue by making a small incision either in the armpit, around the nipple or under the breasts. The implants are then placed either in front or behind the chest muscles depending on the size of the patient’s chest

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Round or Anatomical Breast Implants?

There are two types of silicone implants used in Breast Augmentation surgery, namely round and anatomical. Round implants are very popular due to their fuller and proportioned shape. Alternatively, anatomical implants are shaped like a teardrop to mimic the natural look and feel of a real breast.

Both round and anatomical implants come in smooth and textured versions. Textured implants are designed to stay securely in their position, while smooth implants are less likely to ripple. During the initial consultation, your surgeon will take all this into consideration as well as your body type and desired results to choose the right breast shape and size for you.

What are the different types of breast implants?

There are different types of implants available. All implants are synthetic silicone rubber shells filled with a silicone gel or a saline (saltwater) solution. The outer wall of the implant may be smooth or textured (rough surfaced). Generally, rough surfaced implants do not need to be massaged post operatively. Smooth implants may need to be massaged to help prevent scar contracture

Your surgeon will recommend the implant that he feels is most appropriate for you.

How is breast augmentation surgery performed?

On the day of surgery, the proposed implant site, the creases under the breast and the incision sites will be marked on your skin either in your hospital room or the pre-op area of the operating room.

The location of your incision is based on your personal preference, your body type and your surgeon recommendation.

A periareolar incision (around the areola) means the scar may be concealed by the colour and shape of the areola. An axillary incision (under the arm) means you will not have a visible scar on the breast itself, but there will be a fine, almost invisible scar under the arm which may be seen when the arm is lifted.

An incision placed in the inframammary fold may be hidden by the breast itself when standing, but can be seen when the patient is lying down.

A pocket is then made depending on the type of implant being used and the breast size you have selected.

The space in the pocket allows your breasts to feel soft. An implant is inserted to achieve the look you have chosen. Once the desired look is achieved, the pocket is closed.

The incision is closed and your surgeon places either a surgical bra or bandage over the incision, depending on what seems best in your case. Drain tubes are frequently inserted into the pockets to eliminate any blood which may collect.

What are the risks and complications of breast augmentation surgery?

As with any surgery, breast augmentation involves some risks and potential complications. The possible risks and complications associated with breast augmentation include:

*Capsular contracture (formation of firm scar tissue around the implant)
*Changes in nipple or breast sensation
*Implant rupture

All-Inclusive Individual Package

Price includes surgery, implants, medication, support bra, 1 night hospital stay, 5 nights hotel stay, transfers and an English speaking host.

On the morning of your procedure, you will be picked up by your patient coordinator and transferred to the hospital where you will have a consultation your surgeon. He will assess your chest wall to determine the right implant shape and size for you. Afterwards, you will have medical tests to check your suitability for surgery and once confirmed the procedure will last around 1-2 hours. You will spend the night at the hospital following your surgery.– Day 1
You will be discharged from the hospital in the morning following a check-up by your surgeon. You will be transferred to your hotel where you will continue to rest.– Day 2
You are advised to continue resting, but once you start feeling better you can go out to explore the city on days 5 and 6.– Days 3, 4, 5 & 6
On your last day, you will have a final check-up by your surgeon and you will be ready to go home after receiving instructions on postoperative care. Stitches do not need to be removed as they will dissolve by themselves.– Day 7

Procedure Time

Breast Augmentation surgery lasts around 1-2 hours.


Breast Augmentation surgery is performed under general anaesthesia.


You can return to your daily activities in 7-14 days. You will be required to wear a support bra during this period.

Frequently Asked Questions

What size will suit me best?
Which implant is best for me?
Should my implant go under the muscle (Subpectoral) or on top (Prepectoral)?
Should I go through the nipple, under the breast or through the armpit?
What if my breasts are different sizes?
What if my breasts are droopy?
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